My burden/Son

Okay,so where was all this help when I was growing up? As a middle child and the only male,it was my job to “fix” things,at least that’s how I saw it.

Our house would have made it in the top ten,at least,on “Hoarders”.Both parents were drunks and constantly fighting. The conditions were such that now days child welfare would have been involved ,not that our neighbors would have called for us,I hated them for that.

I’m not looking for pity though,I take full blame for my actions. I’m sure the hoarding was a result of other,deeper problems so I’m going to just use this forum to vent,and apologize to my family,ex-friends and neighbors for my actions. Emotional and physical abuse ,along with sexual abuse and neglect has made me the person I am today.

I know now that I will never have the “normal” kinds of relationships and thoughts that other people have.I lived my teenage and young adult years for my own satisfaction and its a wonder that I have survived this long so far.To live in a home,supposedly upper middle-class,under these conditions is plain and simple abuse.All that I have left to do is try and keep my kids respect and end this cycle of dysfunction with my generation.

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