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Haul-Away Companies

“As you look at hauling companies, especially if you’re dealing with a hoarder who will not throw things out but may consent to giving to charity/recycling, y’all might be interested to know that there is a new breed of hauling business. Some companies are willing to do a hybrid run to a charity AND to the dump. Here in the DC area, there is a local company called Junk in The Trunk.

“They’re billing themselves as an environmentally friendly trash haulerthey’ll come clean out a garage and take furniture to Salvation Army, building materials and tools to the home improvement thrift store where I work, and computers to an electronics recycler.”

What’s available in your area?

To view a national database of companies who clean hoarded homes and do haul-away, visit (We used to list those companies on the COH website, but there are so many out there verifies the credentials/experience of those they list.)

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