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Fact Sheets

Hoarding Fact Sheet With Do & Don’t List
This Fact Sheet is Published through the Courtesy of the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health, Older Adults Services Division.


The Institute For Challenging Disorganization has some free fact sheets to provide information about Chronic Disorganization:

Are You Chronically Disorganized?
This fact sheet presents 21 questions to determine if you are Chronically Disorganized.

Are you Situationally Disorganized?

This fact sheet presents 10 situations that may bring on some of the symptoms of chronic disorganization.

Common Characteristics of the Chronically Disorganized

This fact sheet checklist explains some of the common characteristics of CD and organization issues at home and work.

Causes of Chronic Disorganization
This fact sheet displays some common causes of chronic disorganization.

Time Management for the Chronically Disorganized

This fact sheet gives some suggestions to help manage time.

Tips for Overcoming Procrastination for the Chronically Disorganized Individual or Household

This fact sheet gives some suggestions to help with procrastination in the CD client.

Tips for Communicating with the Chronically Disorganized

This fact sheet presents some techniques and strategies for effectively and successfully communicating with the chronically disorganized individual.

Should I Hire a Professional Organizer or Work with a Friend?

This fact sheet gives chronically disorganized individuals some tips in selecting either a friend or professional organizer to assist them with the decluttering process.


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