Hello. 44 y/o daughter

Over the past few days since the 20/20 package aired, I have been trying to grapple with the idea that I am not alone.

I am the 44 year old daughter and only child of OCD parents. My mother’s obsession is with hoarding, rage and hand-washing. My father was obsessed with work & money. I cannot remember a time in my life when our house was clean or my parents weren’t intensely fighting.

In fact, aboput all I can remember are bad times. But I know there must have been good times, as well.

On the surface, I appear to be a successful member of society. In the core of me, I know I have been play-acting all these years and have no sense of what is really real, or who I am if not for the reflection of myself in other’s eyes. I suffer daily. From anxiety, depression, self-doubt and loathing. I have never written or said any of these things out loud. I am hopeful I can do so here.

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