Steri-Clean, Inc. introduces “Happy HOARDidays”

Text version of image from Steri-Clean, Inc.:

Happy HOARDidays!

A New Annual Tradition to Help Hoarding Families. Will You Help?

Steri-Clean, Inc. and 1800HOARDERS.COM announces a new annual holiday tradition! We will be helping de-clutter two homes in the beginning of December for two lucky families for free!

We are looking for two needy families that would otherwise not be able to afford a cleanup but are completely willing to have a team of volunteers clean their home just in time for the holidays!  We would like one to be in Northern California and the other to be in Southern California.  If you know of anyone that needs help and is ready for change, help us give them the Christmas present of a lifetime…and for a lifetime!

Please have the hoarders submit their story to and put “Happy Hoardidays Applicant” in the email title.  We also need them to attach a photo of each room of their home.  We will be selecting the two winners with the most need in the middle of November to give us time to line up resources.


We are looking for volunteers (20 per site) and donations to make this exciting new tradition work.  If you are interested in volunteering to help with the cleanup, please let us know!  We will provide all tools, equipment safety clothing, etc. needed.  We are also accepting donations to put into the fund to help pay for dumpsters/disposal, meals, drinks and refreshments, and safety wear for those who volunteer.  This is a great opportunity for everyone to give back and make a huge difference in a couple of lives.  Please call or email me with any questions.  Thank you for your help!

We will be inviting several media outlets to cover the story and to give credit to those donating their time, money, supplies and or services.

We hope you will support this great cause!

Cory Chalmers
Featured Expert on A&E’s HOARDERS
Steri-Clean, Inc.
“Restoring Homes and Lives”TM
1-800-HOARDERS ext. 111
1-800-462-7337 ext. 111

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