Category: Featured

NPR: Diane Rehm show about Hoarding w/COH

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The Effects of Hoarding on Children

…”What about the children of hoarders? There hasn’t been a lot of focus aimed at them. Not only is there a genetic component, just like OCD and bipolar disorder, but there’s a behavioral element, and symptoms of hoarding can start as early as age 12. This is why experts say…”

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Kids of hoarding parents want to break free of…

…clutter, emotional chaos There’s nothing unusual about a mother or father who collects stamps, baseball cards or porcelain dolls. But when hobbyists become hoarders, their children often end up with life-long emotional effects. Go to full article in Deseret News

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NY Times Article about Children of Hoarders

Children of Hoarders on Leaving the Cluttered Nest

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2/22: Combing Through The Wreckage

Some children of hoarders contract professional cleanup crews that can charge from $5,000 to $20,000 for a full clean. For others, the true treasures of a life—a special pair of ear rings, photographs from long ago—are buried between the layers of non-essential stuff a hoarder hoards.

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It Gets Better For COH

Thank you to Jason for creating this positive message for COH™: Watch a snippet of his HOARDERS episode Visit his band’s site and support his music!: Three Ninjas

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